US Beer Cans Supplement
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SetNumber: 1
Year: 1953
Brewery: Esslinger's Inc.
City: Philladelphia
RelativeSizeOf_ESSLINGERvsPARTIQUIZ: PARTI QUIZ does not appear
RelativeSizeOf_PREMIUMvsBEER: BEER larger than PREMIUM
Faces: 1
Colors: 1
Notes: All cans have FACTS FOR FUN and trim around the oval in black. Research indicates that this was the initial set produced. Subsequent sets added the “Parti Quiz” designation. The cans are made by American (A), Continental (C), and Crown (R). It is known that some cans were printed in silver with BOCK over-painted in black. The two known examples are identical cans. Six cans listed in this set have no color/can company identified, they may be listed here in error.
KnownBocks: 1
NumberListed: 96
KnownColors: 216

SetNumber ItemNumber ItemDescription
1 1 103,250,000 radios in U.S.
1 2 1st transatlantic radio mess. sent 1902.
1 3 13 stars form a circle on the 1st U.S. flag.
1 4 13th Pres. Millar Fillmore. [sic]
1 5 18th Pres. Grant
1 6 20th Pres. Chester A. Arthur.
1 7 23rd Pres. McKinley.
1 8 25th Pres. William H. Taft.
1 9 29th Pres. Herbert Hoover.
1 10 A's 1st in division in`52 -2nd time since 1933
1 11 About 2,378,000,000 people in the world.
1 12 Academy award winner for 1945-48 was Loretta Young.
1 13 All planets move in same direction. Arcaro won
1 14 Army's Davis averaged 11.14 yds per carry.
1 15 Average car driven about 12,000 miles .
1 16 Basketball America's most popular sport.
1 17 Ben Franklin published his almanac under name Richard Saunders.
1 18 Butterine is artificial butter.
1 19 California larger than East + West Germany.
1 20 Capt. Cook discovered Hawaii.
1 21 Chess Set contains 16 pawns.
1 22 Challet sank 19 foul shots one game 1949.
1 23 Chirography is art of handwriting.
1 24 *Corbett never got black eye or bloody nose.
1 25 Cuba is the largest island in the West Indies
1 26 DeLa Cierva invented the autogiro 1923.
1 27 Desert plants store water.
1 28 Dial telephone's disk has 10 holes.
1 29 Dick Button U.S. skate title 1946-52 incl.
1 30 Dogs smarter than cats.
1 31 Doroteo Flutes won '52 Boston Marathon.
1 32 Druids were priests of Celtic tribes.
1 33 Earth is 93 million miles from sun..
1 34 Eleanor Roosevelt's family name before marriage - Roosevelt.
1 35 George LeBlanche invented pivot punch 1889.
1 36 Helium found on sun first - later on Earth.
1 37 Indians used war paint for camouflage.
1 38 Jack Kramer men's singles tennis champ 1946-1947.
1 39 John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died July 4,1826.
1 40 Koreas History dates back to 12th cent. BC.
1 41 Live oyster does not move in water
1 42 Lou Gherig played in 2,180 consecutive games
1 43 *Maine's flower pine cone and tassel.
1 44 Maryland has large goldfish industry.
1 45 Max Baer took heavyweight title from Carnera - 1935.
1 46 Minnesota state flower Moccasin flower
1 47 Modern Olympic games first held Athens Greece 1896.
1 48 Most hurricanes in W. Indies & China sea.
1 49 Ned Day bowled 33 consec. Strikes 1939.
1 50 No fish can live in Columbia's Vinegar river.
1 51 *No horses in America until white man came.
1 52 Not advisable to apply beefsteak to black eye
1 53 Olympics held only once in U.S. 1932 - Los Angeles.
1 54 Orange bowl held in Miami, Florida.
1 55 Over 1/2 govt. workers engaged in defense.
1 56 Paul Arizin scored 1674 points in NBA in 1952.
1 57 Penguins native to South Pole only.
1 58 Pa. ratified Const. 12/12/1787.
1 59 Phila's city hall completed 1901.
1 60 Philadelphia has 18 times population of Nevada.
1 61 Photographs invented 1839.
1 62 Pluto is 3,675,000,000,000 miles from sun.
1 63 *Pres. Jackson known as "Old Hickory".
1 64 Pres. Taylor known as "Old Rough & Ready".
1 65 Rain is condensed vapor of the atmosphere.
1 66 Right field in Polo Grounds is only 257 ft. long.
1 67 Rumplestilzkin taught girl to spin gold.
1 68 Russia finished second to U.S. in 1952 Olympics.
1 69 Scotland's Allardyee walked 1000 miles in 1000 hours
1 70 Shaven part of monk's head called tonsure.
1 71 Sheep, goats, giraffe and deer have 4 stomachs.
1 72 Some American territory is 3 miles from Russia.
1 73 South Pole was discovered by Amundsen in 1911.
1 74 Southampton Bowling club has competed for 650 years.
1 75 Statue of Liberty on Bedloe's Island, NY.
1 76 "Streetcar named Desire" voted best movie of 1951.
1 77 Sullivan wrote the opera "Pirates of Penzance.
1 78 Tanks were World War I development.
1 79 Telephone's disk has 10 holes.
1 80 The 18th U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant.
1 81 The A's Bobby Schantz won 24 and lost 7 in 1952.
1 82 The Caribbean is the largest sea in the world.
1 83 Tree animals most common in jungles.
1 84 Umpire has 96 balls to start a double header.
1 85 U.S. lost only 1 Olympic 400 meter relay.
1 86 U.S. won most bronze medals `52 Olympics.
1 87 U.S. won no Olympic gymnastic points - `52.
1 88 Vinegar weighs more in winter than summer.
1 89 W. Chester State Teachers lost none in `52.
1 90 Walter Hagen won British Open in 1922, - `24 - `28 - `29.
1 91 Washington was 1st to sign constitution.
1 92 Webster wrote 1st American spelling book.
1 93 White Sox in 1906 once called hitless wonders.
1 94 Wolf Squash tennis national champ 3 straight times.
1 95 Yankee Doodle written by Richard Schuckburgh.