US Beer Cans Supplement
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Esslinger Set List
11953Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ does not appearBEER larger than PREMIUM11All cans have FACTS FOR FUN and trim around the oval in black. Research indicates that this was the initial set produced. Subsequent sets added the “Parti Quiz” designation. The cans are made by American (A), Continental (C), and Crown (R). It is known that some cans were printed in silver with BOCK over-painted in black. The two known examples are identical cans. Six cans listed in this set have no color/can company identified, they may be listed here in error.196216 
21953Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ larger than ESSLINGERBEER larger than PREMIUM11All cans have PARTI QUIZ, FACTS FOR FUN, and trim in blue, the cans are made by Continental. No BOCK cans are known. Known can colors marked with "C" = Continental can Co. Nine cans listed as being in this set have no color/can company identified, they may be listed here in error.05262 
31953Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ in Blue, larger than ESSLINGERPREMIUM larger than BEER11FACTS FOR FUN and trim are in Blue on Crown, Cork & Seal (R) cans, and in Red or Black on American Can Co. (A) cans. On cans by American (A), facts are in smaller type. Facts are printed in white; compare with set #5 below, which is similar except that the facts are in silver print. Pink cans are rare in this set. Known BOCK cans are indicated. (X = can company unknown) Five cans listed as belonging in this set have no color/can company identified, they may be listed here in error.367122 
41953Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ larger than ESSLINGER with the letters printed in straight rather than slanted as in all other sets.PREMIUM larger than BEER11There are several differences in this set which makes it unique. The letters of "PARTI QUIZ" are typed in straight rather than slanted style. "12 fluid ounces, packaged at the brewery", and "Esslinger's Inc., Philadelphia, Penna., U.S.A." appear on either side of "Philadelphia's PREMIUM Beer" rather than in the white band as on all other 1953 and 1954 sets. The color of "PARTI QUIZ, ESSLINGER, FACTS FOR FUN", and the trim vary according to the can color. The number of can colors appears to be limited to: BLue, Green, Red, Silver and Orange. Having examined a statistically significant number of these cans, I have seen no; BRonze, PUrple or PInk. All cans by Crown, Cork & Seal (R). No BOCK cans known. One can listed as belonging to this set has no color/can company identified. It may be listed here in error. Projected total for this set: 24 cans.0212324
51953Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ larger than ESSLINGERPREMIUM larger than BEER11This set is similar to Set 3, except that the facts are printed in silver, and PARTI QUIZ, FACTS FOR FUN, and trim appear in either blue or green depending on the can color. Research to date shows that PQ and FFF appear in blue on BLue, or Red cans, and in green on GReen or PUrple cans. It is also likely that there are only four can colors available in this set, BLue, GReen, PUrple and Red, since a statistically significant number of cans have been examined, and no BRonze, PInk, Silver or Orange cans have been identified. Cans appear to be grouped as either BLue & Green or PUrple and Red. Cans are made by Continental Can Co. (C). There are no BOCK cans known. One can listed as belonging in this set has no color/can company identified. It may be listed here in error. Projected total for this set: 48 cans.0233548
61954Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ larger than ESSLINGERPREMIUM larger than BEER11This is the only PARTI QUIZ set dated 1954. All cans by American Can Co.. There is some variation within the set; if "FACTS FOR FUN" and trim is in black, "PARTI QUIZ" is in blue. If "Facts For Fun" and trim is in red, "PARTI QUIZ" is in the can color. Some sets of facts appear in both formats. Known BOCK cans as indicated. It is likely that no BRonze cans exist in this set. Four cans listed as belonging to this set have no colors identified, they are possibly listed here in error.204881 
71956Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ larger than ESSLINGERPREMIUM larger than BEER11PARTI QUIZ appears in Blue or Green. On cans by Continental Can Co. (C), ESSLINGER appears in the same type size as on all previous sets - 5/16" tall. On the American Can Co. version, ESSLINGER is increased to 3/8" tall. Each can company may have produced a full series of set seven, or entirely different cans. This is not yet determined. Multiple colored detail has been eliminated in the small oval, and the color of the oval is no longer white, but it varies. No BOCK cans are known. A variation of this set with the stars printed in red rather than white is listed below as set 8. No BRonze cans have been identified from this set to date. Four cans listed as belonging to this set have no color/can company identified, they may be listed here in error.04773 
81956Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaPARTI QUIZ larger than ESSLINGERPREMIUM larger than BEER11This set is a variation of set seven consisting of Silver cans, with the normally white stars between the facts printed in color. Except for the variation of colored stars, these cans conform to other set 7 descriptions. The color of the oval and "Parti Quiz" appear in green on cans with orange stars, and in blue on cans with red stars. The cans were made by American Can Co. (A) with ESSLINGER in 3/8" high letters. No BOCK cans are known.08  
91956Esslinger's Inc.PhilladelphiaESSLINGER larger than PARTI QUIZPREMIUM larger than BEER23Cans were made by American Can Co. (A), Continental Can Co. (C), Crown, Cork & Seal Co. (R) and National Can Co. (N). ESSLINGER is in 3/8" high letters on all manufacturers cans. Known BOCK cans as indicated. All BOCK cans are silver with no lines and the bottom & oval in red. Color combinations are identified as: can color / lines color / bottom & oval color. Where only two colors are listed, it is understood that the third color matches the second. Some, and possibly all cans are available from more than one manufacturer - as noted. Colors are: BLue, BRonze, Green, PInk, PUrple, Red, Silver, Orange - known colors as listed.1657379